Friday, January 01, 2010

Jayasuriya's square cut was the worst blow I took - Daryl Harper

In a recent Interview to Cricinfo, Umpire Daryl Harper recalls the incident when he got hit on the chest by a Jayasuriya Square Cut.

Cricinfo :Have you ever been hit by a batsman's shot?

Daryl Harper : The worst hit I took was in the West Indies from a Sanath Jayasuriya square cut. The umpires were standing on the off side to accommodate the television cameras as they had only popping-crease run-out cameras on one side.

I had no chance to get out of the way of the fierce shot and it hit me fair and square in the middle of the chest. After the batsmen ran for the single they walked up to me and all Sanath could say was, "You cost me four runs". I said, "You got a single out of it." I wore that wound for the next month.

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